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T4 Options Pro-Sheet


1. Do you have horizontal or vertical sheets?

2. Can you click trade options directly from the sheet?

3. Can you click trade futures directly from the sheet?

4. Can you customize the sheet?

5. Is there a heat map?

6. How can the heat map be set?

7. Can the formats of the heat map be changed?

8. What is the heat map applied to?

9. Can the size of the toolbars be reduced?

1. Do you have horizontal or vertical sheets?

Yes we have both vertical and horizontal.


2.Can you click trade options directly from the sheet?

Yes. There are two entry methods: Price Prompt and Ladders. Press on a tradable cell (Bid/Offer price, size, edge, or working orders). There is a toggle button on the option sheet toolbar that allow the ability to quickly switch between the price prompt and the ladder.


3.Can you click trade futures directly from the sheet?

Yes. There are two entry methods: Price Prompt and Ladders. There is a toolbar on the top of the option sheet that contains the futures information.


4. Can you customize the sheet?

Yes. To change the formats: go to the main window press the properties button and select Option Sheets: Formats. Here you can format the back color, font color, font size, etc….. Also the formats can be done on an individual month basis. To change the order of the row/columns: From the sheet you can drag and drop in order to arrange the sheet. Note in order to drag and drop the header must be present.


5. Is there a heat map?

Yes. It is set on a month basis in the model management (button on option sheet).


6. How can the heat map be set?

Ticks, volatility, bid/offer side by ticks, bid/offer side by volatility. Also you can apply a range in order to visualize the progression of the volatility.


7. Can the formats of the heat map be changed?

Yes. Go to the main window press the properties button and select Option Sheets: Formats. Here you can format the back color, font color, and font size


8. What is the heat map applied to?

Last trade, Last Trade Under/Over Theoretical Last Trade Difference Under/Over Theoretical, Bid/Offer Price, Bid/Offer Size, Bid/Offer Edge.


9. Can the size of the toolbars be reduced?

Yes. Go to the main window press the properties button and select Option Sheets: Format (Toolbar Group). Here you can set what is visible when the toolbar is collapsed.


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